Nothing has gone wrong for him, so when it looks like everything is crashing down tonight, it feels like a delayed but nonetheless inevitable comeuppance has finally arrived. One of my major qualms about this second season is the way it's heavily favored Chuck all the way. Admittedly, for most of tonight's episode, I questioned whether I had misread that when it happened, but the final montage makes it all plain: Chuck is still on a roll, and Axe is merely enjoying a momentary respite before it all comes crashing down.
A seed was planted a couple of weeks ago, a small hint indicating that this was a setup on Chuck's part all along.
And yet, it all looks too easy from Axe's perspective. For most of the hour, it appears that the tables have finally turned: Everything is going Axe's way, while Chuck is the unwitting victim of his plot to destroy Ice Juice's prospects before it even gets off the ground. It was superb through not a single mistake.Structured like a mini- Scorsese movie, the episode tracks the Ice Juice IPO and the effect its ups and downs have on the major players, scrolling back and forth in time to show us exactly how it all unfolds.